
Showing posts from March, 2018

7 brothers and Me

7 BROTHERS & ME "Aint nobody trying to mess with boys with a psycho sister amirite?" Written and Published : Lydia Rees Talofa my hunnies and welcome to another blog by your fav chubby hunny, Lia. If you're ready this then feel proud because I have chosen to publish this blog without telling all of snap chat, instagram and Facebook. You are winning today girlfrannn yass werk it. A ll brothers no sisters?! Growing up the only girl among my siblings, I was always asked the question “so what’s it like having so many brothers & being the only girl”, & I would always answer with “normal I guess”. But to everyone else who only had sisters, or was an only child, this wasn’t their “normal" Roll Call 26 – or would have been 26. Jerry who was my eldest brother who passed away 2 years ago. 25 – Andrew Christopher 24 - Dox Fomai 23 – Archie (insert middle name) 21 – Or would have been 21. Robert Jnr who is currently being a skux in heaven wi

A Polynesians Success

A POLYNESIANS SUCCESS "when you're up, offer someone else a hand" Written and Published : Lydia Rees ________________________________________________________________________ Talofa my hunny bunnies and welcome to this weeks blog with ya favourite pretty face, Lia! This week we are addressing more grey topics in the Polynesian community, a topic very familiar to our lips but not addressed as often as it should be. Everyone wants to be successful. Don't lie. Even you. Whether its employment, education, weight loss, making music, making a music video (ahem chunior), everyone wants to be successful. The people who you surround yourself with, the people that you allow to have a say in your life will influence your decisions and can possibly determine whether you succeed or not. Am i right? Well yeah. In the "normal" world, when you see a friend or family member moving closer to their goals, meeting new potentials, doing better than before, you would

Right On Time

RIGHT ON TIME Written and Published : Lydia Rees Talofa my hunnies, welcome to an EOW (end of week) post, and just some motivations for all my sistassss (and pradas). Grab a snack, or 10, and relax with a short read on a Friday night ! ________________________________________________________________________________ Have you been stuck in a situation where things have not gone how you planned? Same. Stuck in a situation where you wanted one thing but God gave you another? Same. Generally what i find, is that in the end, when everything unfolds, i see the beauty behind it and i see that things turned out perfectly and so i want to give you some advice, or even motivation to just push through. This blog isn't going to be too long because i just want to offer some quick love. What ever you are going through right now, understand that it was meant to happen. Even if it accidentally happened or you wished it didn't happen, please know that where you are right now in life,

I do ... not

MARRIAGE "IN LOVE, THROUGH LOVE AND WITH LOVE..." Written and Published : Lydia Rees Talofa hunnies! today we are slow dancing in the subject of love, so you know what you need to do, get into your reading position... Grab a healthy fruit, and a drink. This is a blog on marriage, with a twist ! _______________________________________________________________________________ Do you take Lydia Rees to be your lawfully wedded wife, now and forever ... I do ... Not! For many, they were expecting this blog to be all the positives about marriage but unfortunately, i have chosen avoid the bright side and focus on the darker side. Just like the dark side of my life lol.  Marriage skrrrt. What are my thoughts on marriage? haha Abort that mission, cancel that flights, Avoid it at all costs haha. Growing up, its every girls dream to one day get married, no matter how much they say "ew" at it and no matter how tomboy ish they are, every girl at some point, wanted