
Showing posts from October, 2018


CHRISTIAN CRITERIA "COME AS YOU ARE... EXCEPT FOR YOU, OH AND YOU..." WRITTEN AND PUBLISHED BY : LYDIA REES 2018 _________________________________________________________________________________ Talofa my hunnies and welcome back to another post by your fav wanna be blogger. I know i haven't posted in a very long time but forgive me, ya girl is trying to make a living. You know what to do, sit back, relax, grab a tea cup cause I'm about to dish some tea, and its piping hot. Today I wanted to touch on a subject very close to my heart and I am almost certain that other people feel or have felt the same way about it. Its no secret that your girl is "Christian" and as Ephesians chapter 5 verse 13 says, everything that is in the darkness will be brought to light, SO LETS BRING IT TO LIGHT. --- On a more important note, please please please understand that most of this is my opinion, supported by my findings and i am not forcing anything on your but just