
Showing posts from December, 2018

I followed her into the woods

I FOLLOWED HER INTO THE WOODS WRITTEN AND PUBLISHED BY : LYDIA REES Talofa my hunnies and if you are reading this blog, congratulations because i never officially announced or promoted its release. Ending 2018, i feel that its necessary to release a blog that has sat in my drafts for a few years. Grab what you need, kick back, and enjoy. ________________________________________________________________________________ I was in New Zealand Auckland and we had just checked into our hotel. I had a bedroom to myself but the beds were split into two. I finally laid down and had a nap and had one of the most scariest dreams ever. I have only ever told my family members only moments after i woke up. Its starts off in the forest, confused and shaken I'm looking around me like where the fuck am I, obviously. Exactly how you would feel if one moment you were in bed after an annoying flight and the next, you're in a fucking forest. It was strange because although it looked cold